「SUGA SWEET」Remix楽曲2曲が5月9日より配信決定!
The brand new remix tracks of "SUGA SWEET" will be available on May. 9th!


昨年夏にリリースされた、DJ FRESHとBB Diamondが手掛けたFAKYの人気曲「SUGA SWEET」のRemix「SUGA SWEET (GUMMYB3EARS Remix)」、「SUGA SWEET (REMO-CON Remix)」の2曲が5月9日に2曲同時配信決定!!

"SUGA SWEET (GUMMYB3EARS Remix)" and "SUGA SWEET (REMO-CON Remix)", the original song was produced by DJ FRESH and BB Diamond last Summer, will be available on May. 9th!!
Stay Tuned♪
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